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Bitcoin Block Space: Understanding Scarcity and Exploring Market Solutions

Optimizing Capital Flow in Institutional Bitcoin Finance

BlockSpaces provides L2 infrastructure for advanced hedging, risk management, and seamless collateral movement, ensuring predictable costs and operational efficiency in a Bitcoin-collateralized ecosystem.

Multiweb integration platform

Risk Mitigation Engine

Revolutionize back office risk management with real-time monitoring, precise collateral utilization, and intraday margin settlement.

Who We Serve

Institutional Risk & Asset Managers
OTC/Lending Desks
Brokers/Market Makers
Hedge Funds/Investment Banks

Data Integration

Directly embed Bitcoin/Lightning node transactions into business systems, enhancing accuracy and efficiency, while reducing risks.

The Need for Bitcoin-Native Solutions

A fundamentally different asset class needs fundamentally different infrastructure. We've pioneered Bitcoin-native solutions, including ARC and Fusion, crafted to meet the requirements of a new age. Our unwavering commitment to innovation ensures businesses can confidently, securely, and efficiently navigate the complexities and unique needs of back-office Bitcoin finance.
MacBook mockup



Risk Reduction



*10,000 Monte Carlo sims based on 1 bitcoin tracking bitcoin's price over one year starting on 9/1/2021 (high volatility).00 Monte Carlo sims based on 1 bitcoin tracking bitcoin's price over one year starting on 9/1/2021 (high volatility).
**Bitcoin price range over one year: Starting $48K, Highest $67K, Lowest $19K.
***Collateral settlement for lending model based on 5 min intervals and OTC derivatives model on 15 mins intervals.

Data Capture

Enhance the efficiency of your Bitcoin operations, with streamlined workflows and real-time transaction updates directly from your node into your existing accounting system. With features designed for Bitcoin companies, Fusion integrations eliminate human errors and the need for multiple systems with precise transaction data capture ensuring accurate financial records.

Integrate with 100+ back office solutions
Auto Reconciled Collateral (ARC)

Risk Mitigation Engine

Tailored for financial institutions, ARC revolutionizes risk management with non-custodial, bi-lateral P2P channels, enabling round-the-clock real-time monitoring, precise collateral utilization, and intraday margin settlement.
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